Worlds Apart and Other Short Stories

Worlds Apart and Other Short Stories
Par:Sally Ricketts
Publié le 2006-06-01 par

This book is a collection of short stories that involve most emotions from guilt, grief to love. These short stories will capture your attention, perfect for those lazy afternoons in the garden or sitting by the pool soaking up the sun. Worlds aparts - Lucy gets her dream job to work as an english teacher in India, but when Lucy and her friend go away a car accident changes things. The Golden Apples of the Sun - Rose runs an orchard where she hires Adam to help pick the apples. Secrets in the Attic - Becky's grandma has died. When Becky is emptying her grandma's house she finds out a secret about her that explains why she was so cold. Blast from the Past - Kelly accidently bumps into old flame Mark. A Hike to Love - Nadine goes on holiday and meets Garth who is in his fifties. They get on really well but Nadine's family and friends don't approve. Desperate Measures - Mrs. Sullivan goes missing from a caravan park. Did her husband kill her.

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ID de livre de Worlds Apart and Other Short Stories's Les livres sont FBXY3soFYFIC, Livre écrit parSally Rickettsavec ETAG "QvAff+gXWyM"

Livre publié par depuis 2006-06-01 avoir ISBNs, ISBN 13 Code est 9781847280084 et ISBN 10 Code est 1847280080

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Worlds Apart and Other Short Stories

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