The Year's Best Science Fiction: Ninth Annual Collection

The Year's Best Science Fiction: Ninth Annual Collection
Par:Gardner Dozois
Publié le 1992-06-15 par St. Martin's Griffin

In The Year's Best Science Fiction: Ninth Annual Collection, Gardner Dozois produces another volume in the series that Locus calls 'the field's real anthology-of-record.' With a unique combination of foresight and perspective, Dozois continues to collect outstanding work by newcomers and established authors alike, reflecting the present state of the genre while suggesting its future directions. With the editor's annual summary of the year in the field, and his appendix of recommended reading, this book is indispensable for anyone interested in contemporary science fiction.

Ce livre a été classé à 27 par Google Books for mot-clé a sound of thunder and other stories.

ID de livre de The Year's Best Science Fiction: Ninth Annual Collection's Les livres sont cG2jygsXaywC, Livre écrit parGardner Dozoisavec ETAG "0Xz3YGKe52o"

Livre publié par St. Martin's Griffin depuis 1992-06-15 avoir ISBNs, ISBN 13 Code est 9781466829480 et ISBN 10 Code est 1466829486

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Livre qui ont "624 Pages" est Imprimée à BOOK dans la catégorieFiction

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The Year's Best Science Fiction: Ninth Annual Collection

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