Love Letters

Love Letters
Par:Sandra Leigh Savage
Publié le 2011-09-26 par iUniverse

When author Sandra Leigh Savages husband committed suicide in 1997, she went into isolation for a year. In this memoir, she shares her journey from the grief she experienced to her vision of a great new life. Love Letters, a collection of letters begun in September 2010, provides a snapshot of Savages sorrows, joys, and reflections. Through these vignettes, she says her good-byes, notes her thanks, and provides advice for those who may have experienced the death of a spouse. This collection provides insight into how she survived the death of her husband, came to know and believe in the saving grace of God, and made the decision to stay on this earth to fulfill Gods wishes. Emotional and self-disclosing, Love Letters shares Savages personal message of living each day with no regrets. Through her life events, she expresses how placing your trust in the Lord can guide you through lifes bad moments and help you to full appreciate lifes good moments.

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ID de livre de Love Letters's Les livres sont Ni-kMmqhYa4C, Livre écrit parSandra Leigh Savageavec ETAG "boV3LkKzGu0"

Livre publié par iUniverse depuis 2011-09-26 avoir ISBNs, ISBN 13 Code est 9781462050697 et ISBN 10 Code est 1462050697

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Livre qui ont "248 Pages" est Imprimée à BOOK dans la catégorieBiography and Autobiography

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Love Letters

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