Tales, Myths & Other Stories
Tales, Myths & Other Stories
Par:Dennis Nanni
Publié le 2008-08 par Dennis Nanni
Tales, Myths & Other Stories came about as a result of home-schooling my son, Dhanvantari. His assignments included using his imagination to recreate and explore ancient mythology and literature: Plato, the Srimad Bhagavatam, the Decameron, and other tales. More material came from real-life locations in Tennessee and from incidents such as the Roswell UFO crash in 1947. The stories include themes of mythology, science fiction, adventure, and family. There is humor and emotion in every story. As much as possible, I tried to avoid violence, except as an historical footnote, in order to promote a more peaceful mindset for a better world. My sister Debbi, a professional educator, has often told me that reading is becoming a lost art among young people, and it is my hope that this collection of stories will promote a new love of literature and a more vivid imagination among all those who enjoy it.
Ce livre a été classé à 9 par Google Books for mot-clé a sound of thunder and other stories.
ID de livre de Tales, Myths & Other Stories's Les livres sont ufFfdAN9PugC, Livre écrit parDennis Nanniavec ETAG "Z3DzZ3vmuP8"
Livre publié par Dennis Nanni depuis 2008-08 avoir ISBNs, ISBN 13 Code est 9781606108376 et ISBN 10 Code est 1606108379
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Livre qui ont "180 Pages" est Imprimée à BOOK dans la catégorieFiction
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